SANEDOME jotdown


いろいろ: 橋とか

ガブリエル・バーン、The Gathering Ireland 2013をくさす

Gabriel Byrne slams The Gathering

 最近The Gathering Ireland 2013というイニシアティブがまあまあ盛んにPRされている(性質上日本ではさっぱりだが)が、それについてガブリエル・バーンが何か言ったよというお話。まあいつもの景気後退と政府の失敗の話である。


"People are sick to death of being asked to help out in what they regard as a scam," he said

"I wish The Gathering the very best of luck but they have to understand that the bridge between the diaspora and the people is broken and I tried to fix that for two years and it’s still broken.... Most people don’t give a shit about the diaspora [in Ireland] except to shake them down for a few quid."

"The other day I was talking to a group of people. One of them was an illegal immigrant. His father died, he couldn’t get home. He feels abandoned by the Irish Government. He feels an alien. He can’t go back. Then I talked to two kids, a girl and a boy who were forced to emigrate because there are no jobs. And they blame the incompetence and the gangsterism of the Government for being forced to emigrate.‘


I was really disappointed the way all those contacts, all that hard work was just dropped and it really made me disillusioned and disappointed with this Government who go on about their love for culture for arts and actually really don’t give a toss about it.




PODCAST: Gabriel Byrne joined @cooper_m in NYC & voiced strong views about Ireland's diaspora link..
