SANEDOME jotdown



Body Narratives sparks a debate on Muslim feminism | Media Diversified (via twitter) (とちゅう)

Gaming While Male: A 'Privilege' Few Men Recognize : All Tech Considered : NPR (via twitter) (とちゅう)

Teenage son of Sinn Féin TD in serious condition after Dublin stabbing (とちゅう)

Tony Blair: ‘I say lies’ – Cassetteboy’s video mashup of Bloomberg speech | Politics | (とちゅう)

Wives and grandmothers first? It's time to fight this insidious sexism | Life and style | (via twitter) (とちゅう)

Cracking down on crime and eliminating parking fees – Fianna Fáil’s plan for Dublin (とちゅう)

Poster encourages community to ‘clobber’ burglars with hurls and golf clubs (とちゅう)

14-year-old boy pleads guilty to 12 counts of sexual assault (とちゅう)

Irish families discover their past in hidden New York cemetery (とちゅう)

ドネガルで撮影されたオーロラと天の川 I Can’t Believe This Is Ireland Pic Of The Day · Here’s how many houses Nama has handed over for social housing (とちゅう)

ダブリン中心部の野宿者数「危機的水準」に Rough sleeper numbers up as Dublin’s inner city hits ‘crisis point’ (とちゅう)

Over 100 Section 38 charities should have allowances stopped – HSE 上級スタッフへの認可されていない給与支払いの承認を求めてビジネスケースを送ってきた143の機関のうち、100以上がただちに手当を停止されるべきであるとのこと。 (とちゅう)

ジル・ミーガンの夫、妻を失った事件について語る My wife was murdered by a 'monster' – but most perpetrators of violence are normal men | Tom Meagher | Comment is free | (via twitter)

Woman stands naked on airport runway, takes overdose | openDemocracy (via twitter) (とちゅう)

‘I don’t see what a person’s sexuality has to do with anything’ – Ger Brennan (とちゅう)

How to get free advertising on TV3 by chancing your arm 警察をめぐる論争のためにここ数日、同じ時間にレンスターハウスそばの同じ場所でTV3の中継があることに気付いた人物がブラインドメンテナンス業の広…

John Waters has officially stopped writing for the Irish Times (とちゅう)

スー・タウンゼント死去 Sue Townsend dies aged 68 - Telegraph (via twitter) エイドリアン・モールシリーズでおなじみ(というほど、最近の日本人には親しみがないかもしれないが)の作家、スー・タウンゼントさんが家族によれば10日亡くなった。昨年のクリ…

‘I've Had Death And Rape Threats Simply For Starting The Conversation About Everyday Sexism' | Long(ish) Reads | The Debrief (via twitter) (とちゅう)

‘Daily Mail’ column on Travellers criticised by Equality Authority - Social Affairs & News from Ireland & Abroad | The Irish Times - Wed, Apr 09, 2014 (via twitter) (とちゅう)

This is what happens when you call out sexism (via twitter) (とちゅう)

BBC - Blogs - The 5 live blog - What are your experiences of everyday sexism? (via twitter) BBC Radio 5 live - In Short, Girls: harassment on the way to school is normal (via twitter) (とちゅう)

Everyday Sexism Gender Swap Video by Guardian - TIME (via twitter) (とちゅう)

8 Stories Of Everyday Sexism, As Told By Female Journalists (via twitter) 4日のガーディアンの記事で触れられていたあれ。 (とちゅう)

'Get your arse out, mate': we turn the tables on everyday sexism – video | World news | (via twitter) (とちゅう)

Women report workplace sexism: 'They think I can't hear them but I can' | Life and style | (via twitter) (とちゅう)

ノースカロライナの学校、いじめ被害者に好きなアニメ作品をデザインに採用したかばんを使わないよう指導 School Bans Bullied Boy From Wearing 'My Little Pony' Backpack (via twitter) バンコム郡の学校に通う9歳のGrayson Bruce君は、マイリトルポニー…

Military jets scream above Athens | Article Page | Home (via twitter) (とちゅう)


歩くトラック、'pedipulator' 1969 - GE Walking Truck - Ralph Mosher (American) - (via twitter) (とちゅう)