SANEDOME jotdown



The Law Is Failing Victims of Domestic Violence | Rhea Gargour (via twitter) (totyuu)

A Labour Government Would Make Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls a Priority | Yvette Cooper (via twitter) (とちゅう)

BBC News - 'Community resolutions' used in 10,000 serious violence cases (とちゅう)

Britain Firstの創始者Jim Dowson、モスク襲撃は"ちょっと失礼すぎ"と脱退 Britain First's Jim Dowson Resigns Over Party's 'Bit Rude' Mosque Invasions 失礼とは… イスラム過激派が自由な社会にもたらす負の影響について考えるときにモスクへ乱入してイ…

Watch "Reclaiming Feminism | Talat Yaqoob | TEDxGlasgow" Video at TEDxTalks (via twitter) (totyuu)

キャメロン首相、DVの刑法罪化を考えると誓う David Cameron vows to consider creating domestic violence offence | Society | The Guardian (via twitter) 回りくどい… それはともかく、珍しくいいことも言っている。 "But I think the most important th…

原爆を生き残った父親と祖父の思い出についての本を出版する米在住の心理学者の女性 BBC News - When time stood still (via twitter) 許す心 伝えたい 広島出身・在米 美甘さん 英文の本 自費出版|ニュース|ヒロシマ平和メディアセンター (totyuu)

ロンドンの地下鉄で、3人の男性が個別に他の利用客のスカートの中を盗撮した疑いで逮捕される Three men arrested for taking 'upskirt' pictures on the Tube as police target sex offenders on London transport network - Crime - News - London Evening…

テンプルバーのひどいレシート Newstalk - Twitter in meltdown over the cost of pints in Temple Bar (via twitterトレンド) (とちゅう)

Does Japanese artist's arrest prove her point? - (via twitter) (totyuu)

わたしの友だち、殺人統計 My friend, the murder statistic: Domestic violence victims might seem like just a number - until it's someone you know - Features - Health & Families - The Independent (via twitter) (totyuu)

Gangs draw up lists of girls to rape as proxy attacks on rivals | Society | The Observer (via twitter) (totyuu)

The 1% of scientific publishing | Science/AAAS | News (とちゅう)

Sexual harassment is common in scientific fieldwork | Science/AAAS | News (via twitter) (totyuu)

BBC News - Hollie Gazzard family: Murderer 'controlling and manipulative' (via twitter) (totyuu)

Photos: The Cast of The Expendables 3 | Vanity Fair (via twitter) (totyuu)

At this rate, equal pay for women is 75 years away (via twitter) (totyuu)

A Day in the Life in Za'atari Ep. 12 (via twitter) 丁度こんな日本語記事もあった。 悪化するシリア情勢に難民たちはいま / 井上慶子 / 教育経済学 | SYNODOS -シノドス- (totyuu)


Lil Buck: The 'Ambassador' of Jookin & Madonna's Favorite Dancer - Yahoo News (via tumblr) (totyuu)

BBC News - Eystna Blunnie murder: 'Chances missed' to prevent death (via twitter) (totyuu)

w4m: The End of the American Red Light District | Berkman Center (via twitter) (totyuu)

New Statesman | It’s 2014 – yet media and politics is still a man’s game (via twitter) (totyuu)

Alaska Air replaces uniforms after attendants say it sickened them | Seattle (とちゅう)

Boeing fuselages in Montana river after train derails | Seattle (via twitter) 日本語記事もある。 ボーイング、航空機部材への影響見極めへ―輸送列車脱線 - WSJ (とちゅう)

A Day in the Life Za'atari Ep. 11 (via twitter) (totyuu)

Making art out of Charles Saatchi's throttling of Nigella Lawson further normalises violence against women | Life and style | (via twitter) (totyuu)

Kakuma Rocks (via twitter) (totyuu)

Teenage girls and domestic violence – the truth | Life and style | The Guardian (via twitter) (totyuu)

Ruairi Quinn to resign as Minister for Education (via twitter) (totyuu)

交際相手を殺した容疑で逮捕された男性は、交際相手刺殺による終身刑から条件付き釈放になって2年目だった Paul O'Hara had been previously jailed for life for killing his girlfriend in Oldham - Manchester Evening News (via twitter) (totyuu)