SANEDOME jotdown



Seamus Heaney, Irish Poet of Soil and Strife, Dies at 74 - (とちゅう)

Russia Raids Gay People's Homes | (とちゅう)

What women don't want: 'You have the best boobs at this wedding' - Telegraph (とちゅう)

Police co-operation with campaigners shows promise for tackling sexual harassment on public transport | Positive News (とちゅう)

Mapped: Every Protest on the Planet Since 1979 - By J. Dana Stuster | Foreign Policy About: GDELT: Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone (とちゅう)

The Killing Machines - Mark Bowden - The Atlantic (とちゅう)

Column: ‘Poland is probably where Ireland was 20 years ago’ Not to generalise, but Poland is probably where Ireland was 20 or 25 years ago. The Catholic church is still very strong. There’s Mass in the cathedral beside my house at six ever…


BBC News - Women talk of sex harassment on Tube, trains and buses (とちゅう)

芋の日らしい(ただしアイルランド) Happy National Potato Day! Here are 7 interesting facts about the humble spud (とちゅう)

HOPE not hate blog: UKIP MEP Godfrey Bloom: Women Better In The Pantry Than In A Car (とちゅう)

Graphic: The Tattoo Industry | National Post (とちゅう)

Slane Girl » Bock The Robber (とちゅう)

BBCの番組で女性がポルノを見たと発言→キャプションの名前についていたPh.D.が消える Newsnight strips "porn user" of her PhD - The Media Blog (とちゅう)

Happy birthday, Charles Bukowski! - (とちゅう)

Murder by Craigslist - Hanna Rosin - The Atlantic (とちゅう)

ソフトバンクのCM一家を紹介する英語記事 Meet Japan's Most Popular Ad Family | Adweek 米: 1987年のオハイオ州での殺人容疑でジョージア州在住の女性を逮捕 Woman arrested in Georgia in 1987 fatal stabbing in Columbus (とちゅう)

Russia and the IOC agree: Athletes and spectators shouldn’t be openly gay at the Olympics. (とちゅう)

Why was Dundon allowed wear headphones during today’s judgement? (とちゅう)

Five ways that “staying safe” costs women - (とちゅう)

Powerful Russian News Anchor: Gay Hearts Should Be Burned | (とちゅう)

Shane Filan: a man with nothing and everything - People | Popular Stories, Obituaries & More | The Irish Times - Sat, Aug 10, 2013 (とちゅう)

Analysis: Peru's protesters shake up politics, challenge Humala | Reuters (とちゅう)

Tell Clear Channel that Women’s Health Care isn’t “Indecent.” | WAM! Petition | Clear Channel Doesn't Support Women's Health | Petition Delivery to Clear Channel | Facebook (とちゅう)

貴重な時間と体力を使って糞記事を読んでしまった感 Sheryl Sandberg Is Right: Women Sabotage Themselves | (とちゅう)

You've not come a long enough way, baby - The Global Legal Post (とちゅう)

National Youth Theatre: Pope Joan | National Theatre | South Bank, London (とちゅう)

What's the difference between r/creepshots and a national newspaper? (とちゅう)

A Century in Their Shells - (とちゅう)

‘They lived with joy and energy’: Village united in grief at Chada brothers’ funeral (とちゅう)

Sexism and abuse isn't only on Twitter: one woman's gaming experience | Technology | (とちゅう)