SANEDOME jotdown



Activists urge Nigerian President not to sign ‘catastrophic’ and ‘outrageous’ anti-gay law · (via twitter) (とちゅう)

Russia and the IOC agree: Athletes and spectators shouldn’t be openly gay at the Olympics. (とちゅう)

Powerful Russian News Anchor: Gay Hearts Should Be Burned | (とちゅう)

Pope Francis calls for inclusion of gays in society, saying he has no right to ‘judge’ - The Washington Post (とちゅう)

サンクトペテルブルグのゲイプライドパレードで「ゲイプロパガンダ」法による大量逮捕 All participants in St Petersburg gay pride arrested for marching | Gay Star News たまたま囲いの外にいたため逮捕を免れたLGTB活動家のNikolai Alekseevさんによれ…

Pop Life » Seeking Sanctuary (とちゅう)

Parade calls for same-sex marriage (totyuu)

いろいろ: 続報っぽく見えるのは偶然のようなそうでないような

Dublin Offlines: チャーチ・オブ・サイエントロジー脱会者のつどい Scientology church tries to destroy families, say ex-members 噂をすればなんとやら。いや、ここでケイティ・ホームズの名前が出ているのはもちろんみんな同じことを考えてるからに他な…


'Gaps' in healthcare for LGBT people The steps are to stay informed on LGBT issues; don’t assume all patients are heterosexual, respond positively when patients disclose they are LGBT; challenge anti-gay bias and take gay-affirmative appro…