SANEDOME jotdown



米: ジョージ・サントスを巡る噂、ただし主に次の候補について

Top Republicans plot Santos' ouster as embattled freshman weighs reelection | CNN Politics


China spy balloon: US intel assessing possibility that balloon's path over US was accidental | CNN Politics

米: マイノリティの人権重視はリベラルアーツ校の方針たりえないか――デサンティスの奇妙な思想闘争

Gov. DeSantis' conservative takeover of a liberal arts college could silence diversity, critics say | CNN


Ron DeSantis requested the information of trans students who sought care at Florida's public universities. Now students are planning a statewide walkout.

1.6襲撃関連: ペンス、司法省からの召喚には原則論的に抵抗するってよ

Mike Pence says he'll fight Jan. 6 subpoena from DOJ

米: Nikki Haleyが展開する昔ながらの共和党選挙、しかし「トランプ以前の政治」は本当に実現できるか

Haley looks to move past Trump with a style that predates him - POLITICO
