カナダ軍の出口問題: 傷病除隊後の無手当て期間を縮められるか
Military ombudsman rips dizzying delay in ex-soldier benefits - Politics - CBC News
Revealed: How much airlines make from extra charges - and who earns the most - Independent.ie
カナダ: Lawren HarrisのMountain Formsがオークションに出品予定、カナダの画家の最高額記録を塗り替えるか
Lawren Harris mountainscape featured in Steve Martin exhibit set for auction | CBC News
ブリティシュ・コロンビアのGrand Chief、Black Rodに和解の輪を足すセレモニーには出席しない
B.C.'s Grand Chief Stewart Phillip won't attend royal ceremony with Prince William | CBC News
Now that the end is nigh, it’s finally time to review Donald Trump