SANEDOME jotdown


カナダ: オタワ警察長の激動の2年

How the Ottawa police chief's mandate has changed after 2 years on the job | CBC News

カナダ: ノバスコシア州首相、野党議員に対してソーシャルメディアで人種差別的発言をした職員を懲戒免職

N.S. premier fires political staffer for comments about Liberal MLA | CBC News

The messages were exchanged between the staffer, who worked with the Justice department, and a friend. In Snapchat exchanges the staffer said Simmonds didn't know what she was talking about and was quick to "play the race card."

 確かに人種差別的ではあるが、直接racial abuseというよりは二次的・間接的なので「これがクビの根拠になるぐらい不適切だと議論抜きで認知される時代が来たんだ…」と感動してしまった
